Thursday 2 May 2013

Feminist theory video

This is a media presentation about 'Feminist theory' that i think was meant for some sort of lesson. (It has homework tasks).. Even though this doesn't talk about post modernism is talks a lot about very recent feminists and theories which are very post modern. I really like how easy this makes the differences between feminism and post feminism. There isn't a lot of terminology within this but it does talk about objectifying women a within media and they also talk about Nostalgia culture with looking at the style's of Amy winehouse who dress in a '50's' style but her lifestyle was ultimately male. This presentation looks at 'Queer Theory' and 'Binary Opposites' which is something that i really find interesting.

By watching this video it has given a simple yet clear understanding of terms within Feminism and Post feminism.. and ultimately shows that the Post feminism and people in todays society take a more post modern approach to everything, from actors in movies, to celebrities etc.

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The word ‘post’ in postmodernism suggests that it comes after modernism, however both postmodernism and modernism both exist together at the same time. Modernism seeks to give meaning and solid definitions to what things are while postmodernism denies the rules laid by modernism.
Postmodernism denies the existance of scientifc, philosophical or religious truths to explain everything for everybody, while modernism seeks to give meaning and solid definitions to what things are while postmodernism denies the rules laid by modernism. It allows for personal interpretation, with personal experience being placed above abstract principles which paradoxically means that postmodernism can not truly be defined.
Postmodernism spans various different disciplines including art, culture, architecture, literature, entertainment, technology ect, and focuses on de-structered humanity meaning that disorder and fragmentation are acceptable represention of reality for postmodernists. Modernists viewed this view of fragmented humanity as bad while postmodernists seems to celebrate this, accepting ambiguity.
There are no final truths or definitions in postmodernism, it is an attempt to give new meanings and interpretations to everything.
Throughout the coming weeks we are going to explore how postmodernism is evident in various different aspects in our society in an attempt to better understand what postmodernism is and how it affects our lives. We will be looking at examples of postmodernism in pop-culture and entertainment, feminism, architecture, and art and design movements.